Our Approach
Curious Exploration Session
We like to start with a free of charge, no obligation 30 minutes discussion focusing on what you want to get out of a coaching engagement, whether coaching is the right solution at this time, and whether we are the right people to be working with you. Not all coaches are right for every coachee, so by having this exploration session, we can establish whether the chemistry is right. We do not work with people if we do not feel we can help.
The Proposal
After this exploration session, we will prepare a proposal that is bespoke to your needs and how we feel we should proceed. This is not set in stone and you can access more or less sessions than we recommend. We offer this as a starting point and a way of moving forward.
Pay as you go packages are available which allow you to enter into a coaching engagement without any specific commitment. This option is always available to ensure coaching is accessible to all. However, to get the most benefit from a coaching engagement, we recommend a range of packages based on your specific challenge and situation.
Individual Packages
Finding the right approach for you
Basic Introductory Package
The Perfect Ten

Great for specific issues and challenges
3 x 60-90 minute sessions conducted virtually either fortnightly or monthly depending on preference and urgency
Maximum five month engagement
Optional WhatsApp support
Range of appropriate resources based on discussions and availability
This package is perfect for those who have a challenge that requires a fast solution but still requires some space to work through the details and potential solutions, or that you have already made some progress towards and are looking to maybe explore in more detail or wider/alternative options.
This is also a suitable package if you are not yet sure whether coaching is for you and want to explore further while making some progress.
Guidance & Inspiration
10 x 60-90 minute sessions conducted virtually either fortnightly or monthly depending on preference and urgency
Maximum 12 month engagement
Optional WhatsApp support
Range of appropriate resources based on discussions and availability
This package is perfect for those in management or senior roles who would benefit from regular coaching for development, to help with a range of challenges, or who want more space to explore.
Corporate Packages
For businesses and other organisations
Packages for Business and Organisations
Executive Coaching

Your Greatest Asset is your People
CuriousLotusUK offer tailored packages for Senior Executives, Talent Development and Performance Management. Structured to meet the needs of you, your organisation and your talented teams. The initial process is the same as the individual packages so get in touch and book in your Curious Exploration Session to start your journey.
Great Leadership Comes from Within
It’s often lonely at the top, and opportunities to unravel thoughts, challenges and solutions with others at a senior level can be rare and intimidating. Executive coaching is an alliance between the coach and client, providing a safe space for exploration and problem solving for senior leaders, working through thought processes and providing valuable time to think out loud.
Developmental Coaching
Performance Coaching

Professional Growth
Bringing on talent within your organisation is a challenge, and more critical now that ever before. Including coaching as part of a development programme can elevate, enhance and embed learning, and is particularly effective for trainees and apprentices, first line managers and talent development pathways.
Raising the Bar
Rooted in the principles of continuous improvement and working alongside existing performance programmes to maximise impact and performance. Coaching can help your people to raise the bar, work out how to tackle challenges, and work through areas where they may be under-performing by unpicking performance requirements, removing blockages, and identifying learning and resource requirements.

Coach-Mentor Option
All packages are available as a coach-mentor package which will offer insight from within the coaches area of expertise along with coaching you to move forward with your specific goals. The same models and resources will be utilised, with the addition of shared experience and insight as appropriate.
WhatsApp Support
There may be a range of points during a coaching relationship when a brief update or exchange with your coach can be really worthwhile. Email can often be too slow to gain a response, so we use WhatsApp; it’s still asynchronous (so messages will await a response) but being simpler and mobile-phone based we’ll be in a position to respond quicker.
We take a ‘fair usage’ approach to this. We’re happy to receive brief “no response needed” updates relating to issues we’ve discussed, brief exchanges for clarification, requests for a short follow-up conversation (10-15 mins by phone) if required, or anything to do with scheduling, cancelling or rescheduling planned sessions. It’s there to help you and us make the most of the coaching sessions we are undertaking.

Face to Face Option
We've all become more used to remote working and meetings, and these arrangements are very time efficient for Coaching. However, some prefer to discuss their challenges face to face. We're happy to give this as an option where we required